You Are A Badass – How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living An Awesome Life – Jen Sincero

Do you wish to have a better life? How many times have you asked for a better life and nothing seems to change? According to Jen Sincero, the trick is to move away from wanting to have a better life to deciding that it is imperative that things in our life need to change.

The actions that will need to be taken to implement this change will require different phases:

  1. Push past your fears
  2. Fail over and over again
  3. Make a habit of being outside your comfort zone
  4. Let go of the old & limiting beliefs
  5. Cling to your decision of deciding to change

In this book, Jen explains how to go about implementing the different phases indicated above. Taking point 4 as an example, the author suggests that most people are “living in an illusion based on someone else’s beliefs“. Our subconscious mind believes everything that it gets exposed to, sadly this part of our brain has no filter for true or false information, it simply just processes information and it does not switch off.

The challenge is that our conscious mind thinks that it is in control, when in fact it is our subconscious mind that has all the control. If you are consciously trying to do something, you find yourself failing over and over. The first key component to ensuring you let go of old and limiting beliefs is to become fully aware of them. Another step, is to try and see yourself through someone else’s eyes who admires you. They have no emotional connection to your insecurities and negative beliefs about yourself. They simply see you for your true and honest potential.

Every single person in this world has special gifts and talents to share, even if someone appears to have similar gifts and talents as you, nobody will use them quite the same way. Whether someone praises you or criticises you for your gifts and talents, the attitude towards both should be the same: show appreciation, but don’t get caught up in the feedback.

Do not waste your precious time giving one single crap about what anybody else thinks of you.

Jen Sincero

The moment you give an external source the power to validate you, your self-esteem is then dictated by what people think of you and you hand them so much power over you. How can I use praise and criticism to better myself? This is actually very simple, you just need to reflect on what is being shared with you and ask yourself one simple question “Can I use the information others are giving me to become a better version of myself and contribute more to the lives of others?“. If the answer is yes, then ensure that you commit to making the necessary adaptations, if the answer is no, then simply say thank you and let the feedback go.

Do yourself a favour and use irritating situations and people as opportunities for growth, not pain.

Jen Sincero

We are not here to please the world, but we are here to learn as individuals and turn into the best versions we can be. Painful experiences are necessary as this is when our biggest growths happen, the key is not to get caught up in the pain, but rather to use the pain to improve the person we are today.

You’re the author of your own life, the sooner you decide to write yourself a better script, the sooner you get to live a more awesome life.

Jen Sincero

How do you plan to rewrite your story? Comment down below your experience!

Are you ready to start being the badass that you are?

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