Investing In Yourself

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

What does investing in oneself even mean?

Two extremely powerful questions that often go unanswered by many, as unfortunately people get so trapped in the chaotic movement of life that they forget the number 1 person they should be spending more time with…themselves.

Investing in yourself is the best and most important investment you will ever make. This was the conclusion I came to after realising that I barely spent time with me, I always had plans with friends, family, partner, work, but I never really took the time to just be with me.

I made a decision a few months back that every single day even if it’s for 30 minutes or less or more I would make sure I would spend time with myself. This could be from reading a book, to meditating, to watching a movie, to writing in my journal, going for a walk or simply just disconnecting from the world and not doing anything.

At first, I struggled with this because I was so caught up in making my days busy, that every time I wanted to put this new routine into practice, I was exhausted and just went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

However, with time this new routine became embedded into my days that I asked myself “why did I not do this before”. Spending time with you is a great opportunity for you to do the things you enjoy that others around may not.

So why miss out on the things you love just because you don’t have someone to enjoy them with? Do it for yourself and you will see that the more you invest in you the better and happier you will feel.

Investing in yourself simply requires you to do something that brings you joy, helps you grow or gives you exactly what you need in every given moment of your life.

Here are some examples of how you can invest in yourself:

Have an afternoon nap on a Sunday to recharge your batteries
Buy yourself a book that stimulates your mind
Have a relaxing bubble bath or go to a spa
Book yourself a holiday
Watch a series or movie that you have on your watchlist
Give yourself a hug
Buy yourself flowers
Play on your console if you love games

The list is endless, but you get the gist, find what you enjoy and make sure you remember that you are just as important to invest on as anything else in life.

What do you do to invest in yourself?

Comment down below or contact me, I would love to see how many different ideas emerge.

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