How I cured Chron’s Disease

At the age of 19, I was diagnosed with a non-curable chronic illness known as Chron’s Disease. For those of you that have not heard of this disease before, it’s a type of inflammatory bowel disease. The tissues in my digestive tract would swell, which often led to abdominal pain, weight loss and malnutrition.

When this was first diagnosed I spent month after month in the hospital as I kept getting trigged and sometimes would spend more than 5 days in hospital.

I thought my life was over at this point, as there was not a day without pain, a day where I didn’t vomit after eating after almost every meal, so many plans cancelled as my health was always on a rollercoaster.

All the doctors I saw kept repeating to me two sentences: 7/10 people diagnosed with Chron’s will need to use a bag at some point and Chron’s is not curable so you will have to take meds for the rest of your life.

I trusted those words, until April 2020 where I felt that something surely could be done to cure this disease as I was not born with it, it was triggered within my body due to levels of stress and toxic environment I found myself at 19.

I held myself accountable for creating that disease as before then I never had it and lived a life without all those symptoms and limitations. So, if I created it then surely I can heal it, but how?

I started doing research and came across many incredible people who explained how their techniques helped to cure them and their clients: Joe Dispenza, Marisa Peer, Louise Hay.

Louise Hay was the first person I came across and who taught me that I had created Chron’s Disease through my thoughts and emotions. It was not easy to accept this at the beginning as my defence mechanism kicked in and I initially thought “how could I ever do such a thing to myself”. However, after learning more and looking back at everything I had exposed my mind, heart and body to it all made sense.

After the first step, acceptance, the second stage was implementation. I came across Joe Dispenza and he developed an incredible meditation that forced me to sit with myself for 30-40 minutes on a daily basis and tell my body what I need through my words and imagination.

I remember seating on my carpet, headphones on and letting myself emerge in the meditation. Imagining that all the ulcers in my intestines were being swept away by magic dust and healing every single day. I stopped saying “I have Chron’s”, instead I said “I am cured”. I kept saying it only to myself until I had the evidence to show others and this is exactly what happened in August 2020, Doctors called me to congratulate me as in 25 years of practice they had never seen anything like it.

They had no idea how I managed to cure myself from Chrons, but that my latest exams were completely clear – there was no sign of Chron’s it was like my whole body just had a massive restart.

Third and final step, appreciation. Thanks to Marisa Peer, I learnt to see Chron’s Disease as my friend, I changed the meaning I had towards Chron’s. It was not an enemy that ruined my life, instead it was a stepping stone in my life that helped me try different types of food, be much calmer as a person, meet new people that struggled with the same, appreciate my body for all the daily amazing work that it does.

If this story resonates with you, I would love to hear from you!

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